Come visit and maybe soon call home - Bundaberg "Australia's best kept secret"

Low housing & business cost
A recent report by BIS Oxford Economics, Residential Property Prospects 2019-22, predicts the median house price in Brisbane is set to increase from $552,000 to $665,000 by 2022.
According to the REIQ market monitor March Quarter 2019, the median house price in Bundaberg was a mere $270,000.
This compares to $530,000 in greater Brisbane, $598,000 on the Sunshine Coast and $316,000 in the Fraser Coast region.
Lower costs for doing business
Costs per square metre in Bundaberg ($120/m2) for purchasing industrial land is on average, 24% lower than the Sunshine Coast ($149/m2) and 189% lower than Brisbane ($347/m2).
B grade office rents costs per square metre in Bundaberg $350/m2 which is on average 21% lower than the Sunshine Coast at $425/m2 and 99% lower then Brisbane at $695/m2.

Source: BRC, 2019